Feldenkrais® Workshop Recordings

For downloadable Feldenkrais Workshop Recordings visit feldenkraisjourney.com/store

Santa Fe 3 Segment 4/Year 2; Transcript, CDs, DVDs

Santa Fe 3 Segment 4/Year 2; Transcript, CDs, DVDs
Santa Fe 3 Segment 4/Year 2; Transcript, CDs, DVDs

Santa Fe 3 Segment 4/Year 2; Transcript, CDs, DVDs

Trainers: Carl Ginsburg/Yvan Joly; Ass't Trainer: Diana Razumny
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For Practitioners and Trainees only!
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  • Description

20-day segment; includes Full Transcription, 4 MP3 CDs, and 8 hours of FI demos and explorations on 4 DVDs 
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico

For Practitioners and Trainees only!
Practitioner/trainee status will be verified with the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America prior to shipment.